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Introducing "Essential Care for Labour & Birth"

Introducing "Essential Care for Labour & Birth"

We are very happy to announce the launch of a new training program to improve the quality and experience of care for women and newborns — Developed by Jhpiego

September 2019

Available for orders now. 


Essential Care for Labour & Birth (ECL&B) is a new learning module from the Helping Mothers Survive series. 

The training helps health workers improve their competencies to identify and manage complications that may arise during labor, birth and the immediate postpartum period.

To end preventable maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality, every pregnant woman and newborn should have skilled, respectful care at birth in a supportive environment.

1-day training on site enhanced with video

Training and mentorship happen at the health center or hospital, improving communication and teamwork, and to promoting local problem solving. The module includes videos from Global Health Media Project to enhance the learning experience. MamaBirthie Birthing Simulator complements this program's hands-on approach. 

With this program, health workers receive training in respectful maternity care, infection prevention, classification of labor, careful monitoring to identify complications early, and supportive care.

This new, 1-day module is endorsed by ACNM, ICM, FIGO, and AAP as we work to save more lives together.

A part of Helping Mothers Survive

Helping Mothers Survive (HMS) is a suite of hands-on simulation-based learning modules that build capacity of the entire team of providers to give quality, evidence-based care. Developed by Jhpiego in collaboration with global partners, HMS is designed to be delivered on site in countries with high burdens of maternal and newborn death.

Essential Care for Labor & Birth will be soon available to order on our website.

Download the brochure